zur Biographie

Fig. 21

The Return to the Primal ONE
With reaching the number nine, in the case of the primal numbers, the principle of unification is achieved. Through the other numbers this goal is enriched with a multitude of qualities. In order to understand this development one should realise that all numbers consist of a multiple of one.

Esoteric Mathematics

In order to get to grips with the qualities that make up the Nonagram it is helpful to resort to the esoteric way of counting (Qabbalistic reduction). This method consists of reducing all numbers larger than ten into those of one digit. This is achieved by adding the individual numbers together until a single digit result i.e. 652 (6 + 5 + 2 = 13 then 1 + 3 = 4) = 4.
Using this method, the particularity of the number nine is that if it is multiplied with another number the result is always nine i.e. 2106 = 2 + 1 + 6 = 9. If one adds together those numbers from 1 to 8, the outcome is 36 = 9. If one multiplies the numbers from 1 to 8 with each other the outcome is 40320 = 1x2x3x4x5x6x7x8 = 40320
Taken symbolically, this means that the Nine has the capacity to absorb all single digit numbers into itself. In this instance this means that, through the existing principle of unification in all manifestation, all numbers, one to eight, form a totality. These numbers, with their specific qualities, have enriched nine, and together with it form a Unit. In order to understand this better, compare it with the development towards Unity illustrated with three Circles (Fig. A to E, page 16-20). It is because of this unity, within the symbol of the single-digit numbers, that nine has become an image of ONE.
The zero cannot be absorbed, and forms together with the nine (which has become one) the number ten. This is possible because of the zero’s potency, which enriches nine by tenfold.
Principally, the whole world of duality is in the process of becoming one, of unifying. Creation is total and undivided.
‘And if we are only one grain of sand on the beaches of eternity, the Universe would be incomplete if even one of these grains would fail.’


To the next picture - Zum nächsten Bild - Alla prossima immagine - À la prochaine image













To the next picture - Zum nächsten Bild - Alla prossima immagine - À la prochaine image






















Adhikara Art Gallery
updated 03.12.18