To the next picture - Zum nächsten Bild - Alla prossima immagine - À la prochaine image

A Picture of Contrast

A static and a dynamic square overlap each other. The dynamic one is white and has a large round centre, the diameter of which equals the length of the base of the outer Triangles. The static one is yellow, the colour of the earth. The area where the squares are superimposed is black, as a contrast to the sun disk. A third square becomes apparent in the middle of the Octagram, it is a light source and denotes the presence of the Primal ONE.

The yellow square of material existence is in the radius of the white ones action, and is being illuminated by the Light and penetrated by its energy. This causes a symbolic polarity to emerge of static and dynamic, dark and light, death and life. The Light of the ONE withdraws life back into itself, the remaining body decomposes into mere matter.

Composition of the Basic Influences

The combination of 1 + 7 results in a positive aspect of the Octagram because it is composed of uneven numbers. The tendency for dematerialization and the spiritual influence of the Heptagram combine here with the principle of Being. The ONE, as luminous source, bestows positive qualities to the figure. An impulse to TRANSFORM and merge into ONE is caused by the contrasting qualities of dissolving and solidifying.
The numbers 2 + 6 dually exist as two opposing units on the one hand, and, two Triangles on the other. Here antithesis is apparent. The interchange between the two parts is interrupted causing weakening and tension. The male/female symbolism of the Hexagram in connection with the qualities of transformation of the Octogram points to the connection of life, eros and death.

The numbers 3 + 5 mix the qualities of communication and harmony of the Triangle with the sacral, the uniqueness and power of dematerialization of the Pentagram.

This is a clear indication of the presence of death in the body, the tendency of which has already been noted to be part of the over all meaning of the Octagon. This transformation happens through the tendency of the Triangle to split, parting spirit and matter, whereas the sacred qualities of the Pentagram can cause the Light of the inner Circle.

The phenomenon of the 4 + 4 (2 + 2 = 4 and 4 + 4 = 8) means an increase in even numbers. This causes a maximum solidification, an extreme of polarisation and the greatest opposition. In the Octagram white and black, light and darkness, life and death, are jointly present. The Octagram contains a maximum of contradictions, increased to the extreme by the doubling of the four.

Tensions and crisis, transformations and change are constellated, or some kind of finality. Apart from a fall out of rigidity there is an opening to the world of Light.



To the next picture - Zum nächsten Bild - Alla prossima immagine - À la prochaine image













To the next picture - Zum nächsten Bild - Alla prossima immagine - À la prochaine image





















Adhikara Art Gallery
updated 03.12.18