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Fig. 16

How Geometry Can Depict Creation

At the beginning of creation, there IS the infinitely small, still and dimensionless point of the primal ONE. In that emerges the impulse to expand into a straight line. This line emerges as a RADIUS of the first CIRCLE that consists of a round line of an infinite number of points.

The Circle and the Emergence of the Hexagram

Regard the metal point of a compass as still and having affinity to the primal ONE and, the carbon point as related to multiplicity. Now, when the length of the radius is marked out on the circumference, this gives exactly six sections of equal length. Thus one gets three points on this circumference related to unity and three to duality. By connecting the three respective points with each other one creates two overlapping Triangles, one standing, one inverted.

The Circle of Opposites

These two Triangles form a duality. The standing one can be regarded as i.e. the light Yang, with an affinity to the primal ONE, the inverted one as the dark Yin. This presentation of the two Triangles is called the Seal of Solomon. In this duality the lower one is a reflection of the upper one.

The Circle and the two Triangles have a common centre because the ONE is present in all entities.

The Ancient Gods Characterise the Points of the Hexagram

The male planets are situated in the upper Triangle. At the apex is Jupiter, corresponding to the Greek Zeus. Zeus is the ruler of the Greek gods, always in pursuit of the largest and richest and striving for expansion. Mars is the active, extroverted and dynamic Warlord. Saturn, ruler of time, is introverted, hard and stubborn.

The mother goddess is located at the lowest point in the introverted Triangle. She is mother earth and the caring Moon. She is sensitive, emotional and a nourishing deity who furthers growth. Venus is goddess of love, harmony and beauty. Mercury is the messenger of the gods and, is neutral, unstable and intellectual.

The Sun has always represented the divine principle, in this case the ONE, symbolised by the centre, light, life, vitality and the highest authority. The Sun is in a directing and leading position in every hierarchy.

There are two polarities of energy: that of Mars and Venus and, that of Saturn and Mercury. The later polarity becomes evident because of Mercury’s relation to the metal; mercury, with its total instability and reaction to temperatures in its environment. As a messenger of the gods Mercury can descend from the Olympiad right into the underworld. With his caduceus he is also a symbol of transformation.



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Adhikara Art Gallery
updated 03.12.18