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The first contemplation is the easiest. Meditation lets us naturally experience a condition of deep peace. A person with problems always has a restless mind. Meditation provides us with a natural, medicine free, experience of calmness. Morning and evening meditation allows us to relax our restless mind at least twice a day. This natural tranquillity makes us gain distance from our problems, which shift to become duties. With a quiet mind, we have a higher capacity to cope with our emotions, being more and more able to face our duties. The quality of the experiencing our own life is influenced by and dependent on our identification mechanism. Our identification depends on our experiences. We tend to identify ourselves in relation to our experiences. Each experience has three aspects:
1. consciousness (witness, level of Being)
2. sensorial perception
3. object of perception.
The main aspect of a human being is his consciousness. If we have problems, we loose ourselves in totally exterior things, being bewildered by the complexity of our perceptions. Identifying ourselves with pure appearance, we loose the consciousness of being and end up living estranged from ourselves. The world is seen as hostile and life becomes a struggle. Daily meditation is not an intellectual exercise, yet the experience of calmness and silence of our proper consciousness. Thus, the identification mechanism is being normalised, the level of consciousness resurfaces again to the front. Meditation naturally induces us into a evolution from having to being. This gives us a completely new way to experiment ourselves, gradually increasing our self-confidence. The internal address has been located. We learn through the fact, that love and joy are being anchored in our proper internal space. Nobody can ever remove this internal address. Every time we find ourselves in difficulties, we have a method, a starting point to rebalance our life. Meditation can also simply be defined as mental hygiene. Daily meditation helps us to break free even from the most radicated dependences. Throughout the years, we will observe small but significant improvements in all aspects of our personality. These improvements allow us to live our life with more balance and pleasure. Until today, meditation is part of the religious practice of all cultures. Given that in present times, humanity is less interested in religion, one should recognize that meditation, independently from any kind of religion or ideology, is of great use to our mental hygiene and development of consciousness. A lot of books could be written about this issue, but the above shall be sufficient for the present introduction.

Vincenzo Kavod Altepost


Basic goodness.  Audio - MP3

Basic training in One-Moment  Meditation

Free Mind
Recognize your fundamental goodness.

Free Mind
Riconosci la tua bontà fondamentale.

Free Mind
Erkenne Deine grundlegende Gutheit.

Free Mind
Reconnais ta bonté fondamentale

Vincenzo Altepost
a Verlin 9
CH 6954 Sala Capriasca
Ticino, Switzerland
Tel. 0041 79 632 41 35

Aiuto nella tossicomania
Aide dans la toxicomanie
Rehabilitation for drug addiction


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Informativa sulla riservatezza dei dati
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Adhikara Art Gallery
updated 01.12.18